7 Benefits of Carrot Plants for Health Body

Benefits of Carrot Plants for Health Body - Carrots have a scientific name (Daucus carota Linn). Constitute a vegetable plant that can live in the tropics. Maybe carrots no stranger to be heard, almost every day you find carrots in the kitchen. did you ever eat a carrot? surely your answer is ever. But whether you already know the benefits of eating carrots? if you do not know about the benefits of carrots, let's discuss together.

Benefits of Carrot Plants for Health Body
Benefits of Carrot Plants for Health Body
Carrots are vegetables rich in Vitamin A is high, it is clear that the most common benefits for maintaining eye health, this the function of vitamin A in carrots vegetables. But whether only that the benefits of carrots? Certainly not. A lot of the benefits if you consume vegetable carrot. especially the health benefits of carrots for the body.

What are the benefits of carrots for health ? before discussing the benefits of carrots, let's look at the content of carrots in 100 grams: Calcium 39.00 (mg), phosphorus 37.00 (mg), calories 42.00 (Kal), vitamin B 0.06 (mg), protein 1, 20 (grams), fat 0.30 (grams), carbohydrate 9.30 (grams), vitamin C 6.00 (mg), fiber 0.9 (grams), iron substances 0.80 (mg), vitamin A 12,000 (SI), water 88.20 (grams). That content in vegetable carrots. Here's a benefits of carrot plants for health.

Benefits of carrot plants for health body

1. Can Prevent stroke
Vegetables carrots can Prevent stroke. It was thanks to the beta-carotene in carrots and other substances, serves to Prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels. With you consume a carrot five times a week can reducing the small risk of stroke.

2. Can prevent cancer
Vegetables carrots can also prevent cancer. It was thanks to the antioxidant content in carrots, which works to fight cancer cells in the body.

3. Can reduce cholesterol
Vegetables carrots can also reduce cholesterol. With you consume 200 grams of raw carrots in three weeks, can reduce cholesterol by 11 percent.

4. Can reduce high blood pressure
Vegetables carrots can also reduce high blood pressure. With you consume a carrot vegetables can lower high blood pressure, it because thanks to the antioxidants and other substances in carrots.

5. For heart health
Vegetables carrots can also be for heart health, With you consume carrots can Prevent the risk of heart disease.

6. Can maintain eye health
Vegetables carrots also can maintain eyes healthy. It was thanks to the content of vitamin A in carrots, serves to keep your eyes healthy and your eyes will be sharper.

7. Digestive system to be smooth
Vegetables carrots also can the make the digestive system becomes smoothly. It was thanks to the fiber in carrots, which serves to make the digestive system to be smooth.