4 Benefits of Flowers Euphorbia / Eforbia for health

Benefits of Flowers Euphorbia / Eforbia for health - Has a scientific name Euphorbia plants (Euphorbia milii). Is one of 2,000 other species. Maybe for you is not strange to hear the name of this flower, the plant is in addition to functioning as an ornamental plant, this plant turns out to have health benefits.

Benefits of Flowers Euphorbia / Eforbia for health
Benefits of Flowers Euphorbia / Eforbia for health
Euphorbia or eforbia have thorny stems that can grow up to one meter. Single-stemmed flowers euphorbia there are also derived compounds and has a color such as yellow, orange, red, pink and others. Single and oval-shaped leaves, at the base of the blunt tip to green, this plant is a plant quite toxic !!, because there is milk sap in flower stalks, stems and leaves, if the sap is mixed with the blood, can cause abnormal cell growth. So be careful in using euphorbia flowers.

The content in eforbia interest include: amino acids, carbohydrates, taraxerol, citric acid, malic acid, epi friedelane, progesterone, sterols, Friedel-3-alpha-ol. And friedelan-3-beta-ol. , The content of euphorbia flowers. So what are the benefits and health giving properties? Here are the benefits and efficacy of euphorbia flowers.

Benefits Euphorbia flowers / Eforbia to health

1. Can cope with hepatitis
Euphorbia flowers can cope with hepatitis. How to make: take 12-15 buds fresh Euphorbia stems and thinly sliced, then boiled three cups of water until the remaining one cup. After that with honey.

2. Can cope with burns
Euphorbia flowers can cope with burns. How to make: take stem Euphorbia enough, then boiled with water until boiling. After that, wait for the water to get warm, then compresses on burns.

3. Can overcome uterine bleeding
Euphorbia flowers can be overcome or prevent uterine bleeding. How to make: take 12-15 euphorbia flower, then boiled with meat prepared as a soup. After that, in eaten while still warm.
4. Can cope with boils
Euphorbia flowers can cope with ulcers. How to make: take enough euphorbia stems, then thinly tips and burned. After that, placed at the boil.