7 Benefits of Red Onion for Health

Benefits of Red Onion for Health - Plant of red onions have the scientific name (Allium ascalonicum L). is a plant that is commonly used for cooking materials. Usually red onion is often used as seasoning are mixed with other spices. But whether you already know the health benefits of red onion. It turns out in addition be used as a spice in cooking, red onion plants can also be used for body health. So what are the health benefits of red onion ? Well to find out what benefits of red onion, you can continue to read below. The following are the benefits for the health of red onion crop.

Benefits of Red Onion for Health
Benefits of Red Onion for Health

Benefits of Red Onion for Health

1. Able to control cholesterol levels
Red onion was able to control cholesterol levels. It was thanks to the amino acid content and methyl allyl sulfide in red onion, which is able to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL). Red onions also can lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL).

2. Can cope with constipation

Shallots can also be overcome constipation. It was thanks to the fiber content in the onions, which serves to help remove tough food particles and toxins in the gut. If you have constipation, you can use raw onion to overcome your constipation.

3. Can prevent cancer
Red onions also can prevent cancer, it is because red onions contain sulfur compounds, and sulfur content in red onions may protect the body from lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and others.

4. May lower the risk of diabetes
Red onions also can lower the risk of diabetes. If diabetics consume lots of raw red onion, can increase the production of insulin, so for diabetics, it is suitable for consuming raw red onion.

5. Can protect the heart
Red onions can also protect the heart. By consuming raw onion on a regular basis can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. And raw onion can also control blood pressure and control the blocked artery.

6. Can cope with hemorrhoids
Red onions also can cope with hemorrhoids. According research raw red onion, has benefits to reduce pain in the rectum and can stop bleeding caused by hemorrhoids. You can consume red onion three times a day for your hemorrhoids.

7. Can cope with scalp infections

Benefits rings also can Overcome the infection on the scalp. By regularly consuming raw onion, can overcome scalp infections, such as fungal infections, Reviews These infections can damage the hair and can cause hair loss. In addition, red onion can also open the clogged pores of the hair follicles.

It turns red onion benefit very much for health, it also does not vary much with the benefits of garlic. Hopefully this information can be useful to you - Benefits of Red Onion for Health

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